Sunday, May 6, 2007


This entire semester consisted of Aha's for me, but I think the biggest revelation was how powerful blogging can be as a medium for communication. By developing and maintaining this blog, I have been able to reflect more deeply on what I have learned and experienced and then also to read and comment on what others have felt about the same subjects. This has also lead me to discover many other educators' and technology educational professionals' blogs which have opened up a world of information for me to use in my classroom and to share with other teachers. Because of this experience, I now have a blog for my students, campus teachers, and parents to communicate about what's happening with technology on our campus. Although it is just getting started, I feel that it has great potential. (
Other Aha's this semester have been:
  • How wonderful it is to use track changes and comments when using Word. This is a great tool for collaborating and writing rough drafts.
  • Experiencing a threaded discussion and realizing that I can be successful in an online environment.
  • Learning of the NARA website and it's potential. I am conducting a mini-inservice in May for 4th and 5th grade teachers and NARA and NAIL will be my focus.
  • Discovering interactive PowerPoint. This has now become part of my curriculum for next year.
  • Entering the virtual world of Second Life has definitely been an eye-opening experiencing into what the future could be in educational technology.
Finally, I think I will continue to blog at this site. This was my first graduate course and blogging here has helped me to organize my thoughts and opinions. I think, even if no one else ever reads what I write, it will be beneficial to me as a learner and perhaps others will keep their blogs going, and I can continue to learn from them.

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